Scripture to Ponder

This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalms 118:24

Monday, January 28, 2013

Using Google slides offline

Create, edit and present with Google Slides offline | Google Drive Blog
I knew we could sync our documents, but now they have presentations able to sync and work offline. Spreadsheets will be next. This is a good benefit...

He is Everywhere!

I was sent this video by a friend and took the time to view it. The end of the video is what is amazing, and verifies that God is in control. He can use the righteous and the unrighteous to get his message across. Hope you take the time to see his work in action.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome 2013!

Wow, it's now 2013! Hope everyone has committed to some awesome goals for the New Year. I have several that I will accomplish this year. One is to be more consistent in posting to my blogs. In fact, this is my first attempt to take care of that resolution. I wanted to share a couple of my goals that I hope will bring me joy and improve my life. You know when you post your intentions on the web, it makes you more accountable, so here goes.

1. I was told about the "lpm" (Living Proof Ministries) blog from a teacher in Bridge City. This is the second year for the event for anyone who would like to jump on board and commit to memorizing 2 scriptures of your choice per month. You can read about the details and how you can register with your commitment at the LPM blog. Be sure to follow the instructions with your scripture's book, chapter, & verse.

2. Today, I read about my next opportunity to improve my tech skills by committing to learn 10 new tools in 2013. It's called "Take the 10 Tools Challenge" from Jane Hart's blog called "Learning in the Social Workplace." Part of the requirement is to make a monthly post on a blog about your experiences with the new tool. (This will definitely help improve my blog habit) I hope to have other LCM teachers and staff join me in this challenge for 2013. I plan to post on  this blog for those who want to make sure I achieve it by 2014.

3. I will not go into detail on my personal goals to eat healthy and exercise more. This, I'm sure is the most popular New Year's Resolutions every year and probably the one that is not fulfilled.