Scripture to Ponder

This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalms 118:24

Friday, February 28, 2014


I read a newsletter from a dear friend, Yvonne Barrage who shared the acronym for JOY. She said it was something she learned as a youngster from her parents. I am fond of acronyms and want to not only to share it with my grandchildren, but with you also. I created a little image using a great website: Canva. It helps you create design easily. You can sign up for free! Check out my "JOY" design below. I was able to save the design as an image or pdf. Thank you +YvonneBarrage for sharing your thoughts and inspiring this design. You can catch her blog here: Grace Bound

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Advantages of Google +

I have really enjoyed using Google + and the ease in connecting with like-minded people. Love how you can post to certain circles without all the Facebook issues. One example of the advantage of using Google + is how I became acquainted with Phil Wagner. I discovered his blog called, "God's Gymnasium" and was blown away by the wonderful suggestion he gave on memorizing scripture. I actually experienced this first hand by joining Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team (SSMT) that she holds every other year. It was my first year and I was amazed what I gained from memorizing bible verses during the year. We liked it so much; that we formed a Facebook group to continue called "The Refuge". I hope you take to time to read Phil's blog post, because I plan to check out his helpful suggestions to memorize more verses. Love the link to Gateway's 100 most popular bible verses. Wouldn't that be a fantastic challenge? Memorize all 100 verses! Think we can do this? Sure we can!

Monday, February 10, 2014

We Need to Hear, See, Internalize This: I AM GOD!

Take a short 2 1/2 minute break from your day to watch this powerful video. I am glad I did and hope you will share it too. I located it from +Phil Wagner in California on Google+ Love how small the world seems when we share across the world with others.