Scripture to Ponder

This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalms 118:24

Friday, February 27, 2015

7 Cardinal Rules for Life

It is my plan to take these 7 cardinals rules and put scripture (book, chapter, & verse) to them. Maybe someone out there in the blog-o-sphere can beat me to it. I'd love that. Please visit Sima's Twitter feed and/or website! She is such a lovely person that I just met online on Twitter. Mothers Art World (MAW) was created by her and their mission is to give students all over the world access to Art education! I think I had a deficiency in this area. What she is doing is inspiring and I commend her. I cannot wait to share her with the world. Make sure to visit her site and check out her books.