Scripture to Ponder

This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalms 118:24

Friday, February 12, 2016

Will You Be Bold When it Counts?

The following is a TRUE story of something that happened over the holidays that will 
really make you think and it could happen to any of us. 

A young 17 year old boy was shopping in a St. Cloud at a sports store called Shields. 

The cashier was a Muslim lady who was wearing her headscarf. The 17 year old was 
wearing a necklace with a cross on it. She told him he would have to put his cross 
under his shirt because it offended her. He told her would not do that. Then he told 
her that he thought she should take her headscarf off. She then called for the manager. 
The manager came out and told the 17 year old to just put his cross under his shirt 
and everything would be fine. 

The boy again refused to do so and at that point he left the items he had intended 
to purchase and walked out. Several customers who had been in line behind him 
had heard the conversation and also left their carts full of items and walked out of 
the store!!* 

I SAY KUDOS TO THE 17 YEAR OLD!!!  We all know we are in some very changing 
times, and given the same circumstances, I pray we would all have the courage 
this young lad had. 

Our Bible class spent a few minutes talking about the challenge we are facing for 
our first amendment right of religious freedom. 

(I have to wonder what’s next?? Are they going to try to ban the jewelry store 
owners from selling any jewelry with a cross on it?????) 

Please share, and be ready to defend your religious rights! 

God bless you, and God bless America

This came across my email from a dear Sister in Christ.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Do You Want Happiness?