Oh how we take him so lightly. He wants nothing more than to destroy our soul! One easy place that Satan finds fairly easy is to attach the family structure. If he can create strife within the family, then he has a good chance to take us away from our Christian values and eventually from God. An easy target is with our "Fathers" within households. If he can remove that stability that a father gives, then it is easier for him to destroy the family.
I discovered a great, non-profit ministry that is trying to combat the effect Satan is having on Fathers. It's founder, John Finch, from Dallas was raised in a fatherless home and is on a mission to help fathers create a strong family and build a legacy that expands generations.
I came across this ministry on my Twitter feed and LOVE their posts such as this one below. I do hope you explore more about "The Father Effect".
You only have one shot at being a dad, so be intentional in everything you do. Encourage, love, and live with a purpose. @johnpfinch #TheFatherEffect https://t.co/p1UVtdWtHc pic.twitter.com/TOJkqMnRTB— John Finch (@johnpfinch) March 8, 2018